Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Chapter Begins

Inside the Mind:
Ah… Another year reaches its close. A year which had its share of experiences that I will never forget right along with its share of stupid mistakes that I wish I could forget. I guess the best thing you can do is cherish and praise God for the good memories and learn from the bad ones. It reminds me of a quote by Jim Elliot that I actually posted a while back:

“The past is gone, and I am glad, both for its going and for the way it went. God has led in, through, and out, by the best route possible, we may believe. I am particularly conscious of the Christian’s right to expect events to be exactly for good. ‘As for God, His way is perfect.’ ”

His way is perfect and I am sure the events that have happened to me over the past year were just the things I needed, or will need in the future, to best glorify His name. He knows me more than anyone – including myself. The hardest part of it all is trusting in his plan. It’s hard to not try and take the steering wheel back when you haven’t the slightest clue where you are going. At least when you are at the wheel you have a general idea of where you are going – or so you think. The mind-boggling question is why would you even have the slightest ounce of doubt in God’s plan when He has never let you down in the past? I can recount bunches of times when I witnessed God at work and just sat there in awe, confirming God’s omnipotence and grace in my life. Despite these past events, I still find myself doubting God’s wisdom in favor of the world’s. I cringe every time I read Jesus’ words “O ye of little faith”, picturing myself in the shoes of the recipient of those words. I have plenty of work left in separating myself from the world’s enticing call and focusing on the oh-so-familiar voice of the Good Shepherd.

Well, with the new year comes a new quarter at DePaul. I start up again on the 3rd and am actually a little excited to go back. It was amazing what God was able to teach me in only 11 weeks during my first quarter and I’m looking forward to what I will learn over the next 11 weeks. DePaul has one professor who is not on their payroll.

I would like to ramble on a little longer but I am especially worn out from the past couple of days and just need to go to bed.

Prayer Requests:
That I will be ready for every opportunity God gives me to build relationships in the classroom that will open the doors of their hearts for Christ. Most people are creatures of habit and where they sit the first week of class is usually where they sit everyday for the rest of the quarter. I’m sure God will place me where He wants me.

Verse of the Week:
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. – Proverbs 16:9


At Sat Jan 07, 11:12:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

One of the things I really enjoy about reading your blog is that it always makes me think. So, as usual, I am thinking about what you wrote - "The hardest part of it all is trusting in his plan." I must agree - trusting is the hardest and fear is the reason why for me. There are lots of reasons why I'm afraid but I think they all boil down to the fact that I either don't really know or understand God's true character. Oh that I would be like Isaiah and see the Lord for who He is and therefore know who I am.


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