Monday, November 21, 2005

A Story of Submission and God's Leading: Part I

Inside the Mind:

I remember last year at this time being torn between colleges (DePaul & Olivet) and unsure about my future in school. Finances were a mess, I was expecting to take out several loans, and it was the first time in my life that I felt completely lost. At one point I remember just sitting down and staring at both college applications for several hours, begging God to show me the way. It was quite a humbling experience.

Soon after the applications were sent in, I started receiving acceptance letters and scholarship offers. The first offer came from Olivet and included a sizable scholarship. I was overjoyed at the prospect of keeping my loans to a minimum while going to a Christian school. This had to have been a sure sign from God – I would be in a Christian environment where I could grow in my faith and receive a Christ-centered education. At that point, I decided to wait until I received DePaul’s offer before making my final decision, but fully expected to turn DePaul down.

It was almost a month after getting Olivet’s offer that I got DePaul’s scholarship offer
(along with some very generous financial help from my grandpa), which was large enough to eliminate the need for a loan altogether. As you can imagine, this was quite a shock. Surely, this must be a sign from God – I would be in a harsh liberal environment where I would have to continually defend my faith and would have many opportunities to share Christ with others. In addition, I would be loan-free throughout school. Almost immediately, I made my decision for DePaul and sent in my acceptance letter.

Several days after accepting DePaul and mailing Olivet my letter of declination, Olivet called me and offered to match DePaul’s scholarship offer. If you can imagine being in a cave when the tour guide turns off all the lights and you are left in utter darkness – that is what it felt like. I was very confused. After praying for months and months, God removed the money incentive completely and made the decision a matter of the heart. Would the next four years of my life be focused on missions or ministry? Where do I need the most growth? Money was out of the picture.

After spending a week in prayer about the decision, I decided to choose the path of most resistance at DePaul. I believed that I would be much more receptive to God’s leading when I am uncomfortable and outside of my comfort zone. I knew that I would have to be on my guard at all times, watching what I am taught and how I conform to those around me. I would have to force myself to take advantage of every opportunity I am given to reach someone for Christ. Missions was something I was terrified about, but here I was about to endeavor into a four-year missions trip. Whenever you are ready God, just lead the way.

What I originally planned to be a one-entry summary of my first quarter turned into something much larger. The day is dwindling away and I have several things that I need to attend to before I retire for the evening, so I will continue my story at a later date.

Prayer Requests:

That I would not let the fire of Christ in my heart die away now that I am out of school and back to the old grind at work.

Verse of the Week:

The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. – Psalm 119:130


At Mon Nov 21, 09:37:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

I will very much look forward to part two. I am walking in a pretty dark place right now and feeling like my hearing is pretty deaf - so your entry was a great encouragement to me. You're right, sometimes we have to just sit in the quiet and the dark and wait. love you little brother.

At Mon Nov 21, 10:25:00 PM, Blogger Lizzie Bennett said...

I can relate to that, and it's inspiring to see that I'm not the only one who has had situations like that. In your head you know you're not the only one, but usually your heart doesn't like to listen to your head.

At Tue Nov 22, 08:01:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

Here's another blog that needs some encouragement.


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