Friday, November 18, 2005

Hope to the Hopeless II

Inside the Mind:

Well, the last day of school went off without a hitch. Apparently, the meeting with James (the person I was talking about in my last post) was not meant to be, as he was not in his normal spot. I can only pray that he recovered well from his doctor’s visit and was not absent due to sickness. He is in God’s hands and there is nothing I can do about it. As a friend reminded me earlier, it is not my place to change hearts – only God can accomplish that.

Ever since our missions trip to Minneapolis, I have had an increased awareness of those who are in a tight financial spot or without a home. Now that I am going to school in Chicago, I see, on a daily basis, an incredible amount of people who are in those kinds of situations. I have often pondered about what can be done for them. Because I am a student, I have very little resources to give them. I might be able to help individuals on a day-to-day basis, but I do not have enough income to give to everybody. Even if I did give them some money, it would only help them for a few days and would not help them in the long run. I could build a relationship with them on an individual basis, as with James. Although this may work with certain individuals, most of the time they do not stay in the same place long enough to build a relationship. What then could be done?

As I ponder these things, several other similar situations come to mind. How does one deal with abortion, homosexuality, and the spread of evolutionary ‘science’? There are so many things that can be changed … so many things that can be done… and yet I am only a single human being. And a lowly one at that. But that is why we are part of the body of Christ. Each of us have our own unique function and passion in the body. We are constantly being molded and made into that perfect shape that serves a perfect function. Although we start as a big blob of gunk, once we let Him begin working on us, He will not stop until we fit that shape perfectly. What a comfort that is to know.

I am still only in the blob of gunk stage, but who knows… maybe the poor will be one of my passions. Or else, maybe my passion will be something completely different. Whatever it may be, until my shape has become more clearly defined, the only thing I can do is take each situation that God throws my way and use it to glorify His name. I am sure it is just part of the molding process.

… being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6

I hope to write a summary of my first quarter of school soon. First, I have to worry about our play this weekend.


At Fri Nov 18, 02:00:00 AM, Blogger Halfmom said...

No, I disagree. I definitely see a form taking place - not a blob of anything.

At Tue Nov 22, 08:07:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

BTW - the sound guys rock - but I thought they already knew that so I didn't say it again - but if there is any question:


At Tue Nov 22, 08:13:00 PM, Blogger paroikeo said...

Thank you for your sound guy promotion!

Unfortunately, our dear friend the rebel, has rebelled so much that he has to approve each comment before it is posted on his blog.


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