Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Welcome Aboard the Happy Bus!

Inside the Mind:

On my commute to school this morning, I jumped on the first bus available when I arrived at Union Station. It just so happened to be the “Happy Bus”. There were several decorated posters in the windows that said “Happy Bus” or “Smile Please”. The inside of the bus was decorated with large yellow smiley face balloons. The bus driver had some funky hat on and was welcoming everybody to the “Happy Bus” as they came aboard. This was definitely something I had never seen before. Just another adventure in downtown Chicago.

As I sat on the bus with a balloon in my face and several disgruntled commuters sitting next to me, my thoughts shifted toward the world’s view of happiness. All human beings strive toward happiness. It is a God-given longing of the heart. The question we should ask ourselves is this: How are we trying to fulfill this desire? Many people believe that wealth, honor, fame, or even a “comfortable” life could fill this desire of happiness. I have personally met several people of high standing or wealth and have learned that they were not only unhappy, but also bored and restless. As soon as they reached the goal they thought would make them happy, their happiness lasted only a short while. They soon longed for more. Many things on this earth provide temporary happiness, but it is only that: temporary. We will always have a longing for more.

In the book of John, Jesus said, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

The word ‘complete’ in this verse, comes from the Greek word which means perfect, or filled to the top so that nothing more should be wanted. What an amazing promise! God is inviting us to partake of a perfect joy that is overflowing, not something that is temporary. Why are we satisfied with only the happiness of this world when there is something greater available? Have we lowered ourselves to a point where menial things provide us with our fix of happiness? There is a huge steak five-course dinner available, and we are choosing the PB&J instead. Something is drastically wrong with this picture.

Prayer Requests:

We have our last InterVarsity Large Group Meeting of the quarter Friday the 21st. Several non-Christians and several others that are struggling in their faith will be coming. Pray that their hearts will continually be encouraged and worked on through the speakers, worship, students, and fellowship.

Verse of the Week:

All that my eyes desired I did not refuse them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure, for my heart was pleased because of all my labor and this was my reward for all my labor. Thus I considered all my activities which my hands had done and the labor which I had exerted, and behold all was vanity and striving after wind and there was no profit under the sun.- Ecclesiastes 2:10-11

Shout Out:

American League Champions! Go White Sox!!!
On to the World Series!


At Thu Oct 20, 08:42:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yer not *happy* about the white sox are ya? They're just PBJ fer sure.

At Thu Oct 20, 11:18:00 AM, Blogger paroikeo said...

I am actually extremely happy about the White Sox right now. And I never meant to say that the pursuit of happiness on Earth is a bad thing.

When the White Sox win the World Series, I will be overflowed with happiness. Over the course of the winter, I will continue to have a certain aspect of happiness. Eventually, it will fade away and turn into some "happy" segment of history. I will feel about the same for the White Sox as I do for the Bulls and their long string of past championships: a great moment in sports history.

Hopefully you can see where I am going with this. Although these special events can make you happy, the happiness will not last and you will move on in pursuit of something else that would fulfill your desire.

I like PB&J sandwiches, but a PB&J sandwich does not fill me up like a 5-course dinner does. Although I'll eat a PB&J sandwich any day(when available), why should I be focusing my attention on getting as many sandwiches as possible to fill me up, when there is this larger dinner waiting for me?

God created us with a desire that only He could fill. Are you ready to take the next step and fill yourself with this 5-course dinner? I know I am. The world has let me down too many times.

Thank's for your comment!

At Thu Oct 20, 02:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so right and I am grateful that you have already seen the transient nature of the happiness that man pursues while still so young! Believe me I work with (and always have) the very best of the best when it come's to pursuing the PBJ. They are good at it! They are the best at it! They compete wildly to get it! The PBJ they win is better and faster and prettier and more fulfilling than your PBJ and when they tire of it, they will trade it in for a newer, better, faster and more fulfilling one while all the time missing the concept that a 5-course meal is even a possibility.

I am often sad at work--for I really do see that they are "harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." Keep thinking, keep wrestling with the reality you are now immersed in. I am ever so encouraged by what I read!

At Fri Oct 21, 07:51:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If ya had the five courser why woud ya want a PBJ?

At Mon Oct 24, 05:12:00 PM, Blogger paroikeo said...

Excellent question, anonymous!
I used the analogy of the five-course dinner and pb&j sandwich to show our often-ignorant denial of a Greater Joy, in favor of something that is far less fulfilling. As with many analogies, this one starts to degrade the further we get into the topic. Rather than continuing with this analogy, allow me to restate your question (and please correct me if I am wrong):

If you had this greater joy and ever-fulfilling happiness in Christ, why would you ever desire any of these earthly ‘joys’?

Joy should not be separated between ‘right’ heavenly joy and ‘wrong’ earthly joy. When you pursue this Greater Joy, God can use even the smallest joys of the earth to further your pursuit of joy in Him. The question then should not be, “Why would you desire these earthly joys?”, but instead, “Are these joys serving as a distraction from your pursuit of joy in Christ, or an aid?”

When the White Sox win game two of the World Series with a walk-off home run, are you thinking, “Wow! That was amazing how our team won in such a classic fashion! What a priceless moment! Now on to game 3!”, or are you thinking, “Wow! What an amazing finish. It is simply unbelievable how God created man to be able to hit an extremely small ball going 90mph with an extremely small stick so hard, with all the pressure of a World Series in the 9th inning! Praise God for the joy baseball provides in Chicago!”

When you walk down a path of a forest preserve in the fall, are you thinking, “What a beautiful display of leaves and colors! I love fall!”, or are you thinking, “What an amazing display of God’s craftsmanship! Look at how the leaf colors are so different, yet they go together perfectly with the green grass, brown tree trunks, blue sky, and white clouds to form an amazing taste of God’s glory!”

In each of these cases, either you can accept the joy as just a ‘joy’, or you can use the joy as a stepping-stone towards joy in Christ. The joy could be used as a distraction by serving as ‘just another thing in the long list of things that make me happy’, or it could be used to further your happiness in Christ.

I am in no way an expert on this topic and do not know every answer. However, these are some of the many things that I am continually learning each and every day through situations, experiences, and the studying of God’s word. Hopefully this topic is becoming clearer to you as we progress.

Thanks again for your comment!

At Mon Oct 24, 10:45:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

Joy in nature - check out the color of the tree in my backyard - it is AMAZING!!


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