Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Man in the Loop of Chicago

Inside the Mind:

Well, I just got back from my InterVarsity small group Bible study. In three weeks time, our small group has grown from 4 people to about 12 people. This is only one of the three IV small groups on campus! I know several of the students in our group are really struggling with their faith right now, so it is an awesome thing to be able to encourage them. God is truly amazing. In the study, we were going through the book of John where it talks about the fields being ripe for harvest and reaping where others have sown. We brought up the topic of being bold enough to share with others and trusting God to work in their hearts. It is not our responsibility to bring them to Christ, but to share with them the Good News. It is then in God’s hands to draw them to himself.

Interestingly enough, as I was walking back to Union Station to head home, a person asked me how I was doing. Shocked at first that someone was actually trying to start a conversation with me downtown, I continued to engage in the conversation. He went on and on about some political philosophy that made no sense at all and it seemed to me he was only wasting my time (he was walking with me toward Union Station). If it had been any other night, I probably would have kept on going to my train. But the discussion we had in the Bible study was nagging me, so I decided to steer the conversation away from whatever that was he was trying to explain to me, and talk about some spiritual things. As we talked, I found out that he was currently on some state disability plan and was in the process of trying to get into a government housing plan, but was currently homeless. He bought cigarettes cheap in Joliet and sold them for a profit in Chicago for some extra cash besides the social security checks. He claimed to be a Christian and went to a Baptist church awhile back, but does not go to any church at this time. It was extremely hard to keep the conversation on track, as he would continually steer the conversation back to his political philosophy. He seemed to know a lot about God, but would always try to tie him into this philosophy. Eventually, I figured I was going nowhere so I asked if I could pray with him. He accepted, so I spent a couple minutes praying with him aloud. When I had finished, it seemed that he was touched in some way and thanked me sincerely. He left me with some words about how I was part of this political philosophy along with all of society and God Himself.

I don’t know what the 45 minutes of conversation and prayer did for this man who I will probably never see again, but I believe that God had some reason for it. Maybe a seed was planted. It wasn’t a coincidence that we talked about planting seeds in our Bible study and it wasn’t a coincidence that I happened to be walking down the street at exactly the same time this man was.

Prayer Requests:

I have had the opportunity to bring up God and the qualities of God with a friend of mine who is in two of my classes. He was raised Catholic and believes in God, but is totally works oriented. Pray that he would be continually interested.

Also, pray for the man that I talked with. Pray that the words spoken would somehow reach his senses and that God would work in his heart.

Verse of the Week:

Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. - Matthew 4:35

Shout Out:

Marching on to Anaheim. Go White Sox!!!
World Series Magic Number: 4


At Fri Oct 14, 10:43:00 AM, Blogger Halfmom said...

Looking forward to tonight! Glad you are enjoying IV!!!!!!!! Great about the guy - and remember, God's Word itself says that His Word will not go out void - it WILL accomplish that which it is intended to - and keep up the good work. I am proud of you.

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