Monday, October 31, 2005

The Prevailen of Justice

Inside the Mind:

Before microeconomics class this morning, I was sitting out in a lobby looking over my notes from the last class when another student from the class sat down across from me and started eating his breakfast. After a while we started talking about the difficulty of the class(as it is a very difficult class) and how much work was needed to avoid flunking. This soon turned into him talking about a business he co-owned in Belize (a small country south of Mexico). It was a large dvd business that took dvds from the U.S. and mass-produced them to sell in his country. Because the police do not care about copyright laws in this country, they make a ton of money doing this. He was telling me how every now and then he would receive a bunch of money from the business even though he was not doing anything. He even told me a couple stories about how several people tried to tell the police and was just laughed at.

The conversation was eventually cut short because we needed to get to class, but it got me thinking about justice. How can a just God let someone sit on his behind doing nothing while still making tons of money from his business that sells illegal copies of dvds and porn videos in another country and on EBay? This question reminded me of the book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk sees Israel being threatened by the growing power of the evil and immoral Chaldeans and even sees Israel tearing itself apart in their own evil ways. He brings these problems to the Lord and the Lord answers in chapter 2 verse 2: For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

There will be a time when the sinful are brought to their knees in humbleness, and yet it would be too late for them. Until that time, God still has a plan for each and every one of them. Some may yet turn from their ways, while others are used to impact the lives of others. Although the world may seem like utter chaos at times, God is still sovereign and nothing escapes His eye. Despite the sinfulness that goes on around us, we are to focus on the mission that He has provided us. He will take care of the rest.

Prayer Requests:

With only about two and a half weeks of school left, pray that I would finish the quarter strong.

Verse of the Week:

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord watches over the ways of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. - Psalms 1:5-6

Shout Out:

Congratulations World Champion Chicago White Sox!!!


At Mon Oct 31, 09:53:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

Yeh, you are so right. God is not missing any of it - only His graciousness and patience keep Him from zapping us all where we stand - how can He care so much about us that He would let us keep on sinning - worse than the days of Noah, worse than Sodom and Gomorrah (sp?)? It boggles my mind.

At Tue Nov 01, 08:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

out of the silent planet is really good, but the next in the trilogy is the best. It's Paralandra. Then, that hideous strength, which is tedious and odd, but has the most sci-fi value to true sci-fi fans. You should also read the dark tower. It's arguable wether or not Lewis wrote it, but it's an unfinished work that has Ransom as the main character. adios bro.

At Thu Nov 03, 11:54:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

Good job tonight amongst all the chaos!


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