Saturday, May 27, 2006

Enthusiasm for the King

Inside the Mind:

As we seek to find out why, with such millions of Christians, the real army of God that is fighting the hosts of darkness is so small, the only answer is – lack of heart. The enthusiasm of the kingdom is missing. And that is because there is so little enthusiasm for the King. – Andrew Murray in Key to the Missionary Problem

I came across this statement and believe it to be so true in the lives of Christians today. Why is it so hard to fight for joy in Christ? Why is it so hard to share the gospel with my friends? Why is it so hard to feel enthusiastic about missions? Why is it so hard to be on the front lines in God’s army? Sometimes I find myself waiting and waiting for some sort of a spark that will get me going or a light to turn on in my head that will show me what to do. Over the past year, I have learned life is not just about sparks or lights but about knowing our King. Oftentimes we find ourselves losing enthusiasm for the battle because we have lost sight of our King. We begin to feel we are on our own. We do not see an end so we settle down and make ourselves comfortable with what we have around us. We cease to exist as sojourners and become settlers. After we become comfortable, we trick ourselves into thinking there is no real battle going on and try living our own lives apart from the battle. We then wonder what has happened to our zeal for Christ.

I have learned that a deep knowledge of God is extremely vital in my relationship with Him. I must know of His faithfulness and grace so that I am empowered. I must know of His sacrificial gift so I feel redeemed. I must accept His hope so I can see the end. Not only is it vital to know these things, but it is vital to be continually drenched by them – they need to be continually at the forefront of our mind. We may know of God’s faithfulness, but, when the battle arrives at our doorstep, the only thing that will keep us from cowering in the corner is the truth of God’s faithfulness at the forefront of our minds. Furthermore, we will only remove ourselves from our settlements when God’s empowering grace is so ingrained in our mind that we trust completely in His provision and protection during the battle and actually act on our faith and knowledge without even thinking about it.

In order to have God’s truths ingrained in our minds and in order to know Him better, we must study God’s word regularly and memorize it continually. Until recently, I was of the mind that studying the Bible was sufficient enough to renew my mind. Now, I have seen the power of memorization and have committed to memorizing the whole chapter of Matthew 6 followed by many other chapters as a part of my quiet time. I hope and pray that many will see this same importance and join me in my goal of Bible memorization. In John Piper’s book When I Don’t Desire God, he quotes Dallas Willard:

Bible memorization is absolutely fundamental to spiritual formation. If I had to choose between all the disciplines of the spiritual life, I would choose Bible memorization, because it is a fundamental way of filling our mind with what it needs. This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. That’s where you need it! How does it get in your mouth? Memorization.

Once we have the Word of God in our mind and on our lips by studying and memorization, we will not be satisfied with the pitiful comforts of our surroundings, but will look with joy to Christ and all he has to offer us. We will not settle down but continue to actively participate on the front lines in God’s army. Our joy in Christ will overflow into a passion for missions as we seek to spread that same joy we have. We will be enthusiastic for the Kingdom because our knowledge of the King will be ingrained into our minds and will become a part of how we live. It all comes down to how much we know our God.


At Mon May 29, 09:47:00 AM, Blogger Halfmom said...

Hello my dear. Well said indeed.

I think, for me, that perhaps lack of love for Christ, not just lack of knowing Him, is what is underlying the problem. If you really care for someone, you want to introduce everyone to them. Also, I think that a lack of understanding of the benefit of the Holy Spirit and the Word as real interactive, directive, beneficial forces in our lives plays a strong part.

I wept through part of church yesterday. The sermon was so perfect and I prayed that he would speak exactly what God wanted him to speak and not be aware of his notes or time because I knew that I had a nonbeliever with me and perhaps this was the only chance she would ever have to hear the gospel clearly presented. I wept for gratitude and prayed for Him to open to her heart and remove the blinders from her eyes because she will die - and it will happen long before she spends eternity in hell. Having eyes to see them dying on a daily basis keeps me praying and smiling and cooking for them.

Love to you. I miss you!

At Wed May 31, 09:39:00 AM, Blogger Craver Vii said...

It’s a joy to get a peek at your heart here. To see that you’re fired-up about the Lord, and that you desire to know Him.

Funny that you mentioned memorization. This summer, they’re planning a special focus (at our church) on that discipline. One part will be to teach families how to utilize different memorization techniques and then practice them for a few weeks. I'm curious; what works best for you?

At Fri Jun 02, 09:39:00 AM, Blogger Craver Vii said...

On a lighter note, visit my blog to see a picture where I am beating your "little" Goliath of a brother into submission.

At Sun Jun 11, 09:12:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

Time to update - I'm bored and have nothing but science to read - and I'm not finding a lot of eternal significance there -

At Sat Jun 24, 10:53:00 AM, Blogger Halfmom said...

Ahummmm - update?!

At Mon Jul 24, 07:36:00 PM, Blogger Halfmom said...

OK - I'm really going to have to have a talk with you about this if you don't UPDATE - it's not like you and I got to go on the missions trip and have therefore been busy!


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